What Is Bad Credit?

Key Takeaways A consumer with bad credit is considered a risky borrower, usually due to owing large amounts of money or having a history of unpaid bills and debts. Having bad credit can make it hard to get a credit card, mortgage, car loans, rental approval, or even a job. Bad credit is usually seen … Read more

What Is Loan/Lease Payoff Insurance?

Key Takeaways Loan/lease payoff insurance will pay up to 25% of your vehicle’s current cash value after your insurance company has paid you if the vehicle is stolen or totaled. Your insurer must declare the vehicle a total loss. You can usually add loan/lease payoff coverage to your auto insurance coverage at any time. There’s … Read more

High-Value Home Insurance: What Is It?

Definition and Examples of High-Value Home Insurance High-value home insurance is a type of homeowners insurance that is designed for homes with high market value. A high-value home is defined as property worth $750,000 or more. Homes that fall into this group might include heritage homes, or homes with special architectural or interior design elements. … Read more

What Is Title Insurance?

Key Takeaways Title insurance can protect both buyers and lenders from financial losses that may occur after a home sale. Lenders require borrowers to purchase title insurance to help protect their investment. A homebuyer must purchase separate owner’s title insurance to protect their legal rights to a property. Your title insurance company will handle future … Read more